Sunday, March 2, 2008

Am I Ready To Be An Entrepreneur?

No, we won't begin with "Do you have a master's degree?" Although education does matter, higher education is not a requirement for starting or succeeding in a new entrepreneurship. In fact, according to a 1992 United States Census Bureau report, only 5.3 percent of entrepreneurs have a Master's degree or higher education. 9.4 percent had less than a high school education; some only up to the eighth grade. Oddly enough, only 17 percent had any business education. The founder of Dell Computers was a college dropout. Starting out of his garage, he managed to excel above all of the world's top computer manufacturers. One in three computers sold today is a Dell.

What you will need, is more commonly known as "street smarts" and common sense. In addition, you will need to have certain individual qualities, or personality traits. Most individuals who are successful in entrepreneurship and in "life" possess these traits. Take the quiz and see how many of the following questions you can answer with a confident "yes."

1. Do I have energy, and am I in good health?

2. Am I a self-starter?

3. Do I have a willingness to work hard?

4. Am I a good organizer?

5. Am I able to make decisions?

6. Am I able to make plans and follow through?

7. Am I able to inspire and direct others?

8. Am I honest (and be honest!)?

9. Do I regularly balance my checkbook and avoid debt?

10. Am I a jack of all trades and a master at one???

If you can honestly answer all the above questions with a "yes," you may be the type of individual who is well qualified to operate a successful business. But before you close the deal, be sure you have educated yourself in the field you've chosen. Research and learn the process necessary to start and operate your own entrepreneurship . Read good books relating to your type of business and get the education you need to be successful.

If you're unsure of your response to any of the ten questions listed above, it's possible that if you attempt starting a business, you may fall into the ninety percent of new businesses which fail in their first year. The statistics can be startling, but they are a reality. You may want to re-consider your entrepreneurship idea.

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