Friday, December 26, 2008

An Entrepreneur Idea You Can Try Right Away

Many people find it hard to grasp what an entrepreneur does or how they operate. In this article we explore some of the typical tasks of an entrepreneur and conclude with a simple example entrepreneur idea.

The first task of an entrepreneur is to have an idea. The next phase is to research that idea and establish its level of feasibility and finally, when all the information is before them, they decide whether to go ahead with the project or just file it for a later date. If they decide to go ahead, they will then go on to the next phase which is finding venture capital.

This is a simplified explanation but serves to give some concept of how these projects are carried out. Especially important is the demand research. Most entrepreneurs hate to go into established and often saturated markets because competition is not something they enjoy and making money is the goal. So plunging good money into a market where other entrepreneurs are already established can be suicidal from a business perspective.

Entrepreneurs work with concepts like compounding capital, returns on investment, speed of returns, economies of scale and other important business concepts.

An example of an entrepreneur idea is the following.

If we look at newspapers, and their pricing, we realize that there is something significant about the prices. Namely that they will charge an advertiser less the more space he/she buys. This is an opportunity to leverage that pricing into an income. A paper may charge $400 for a quarter page ad, but only $800 for a full page. The reasoning is obvious. They need to fill their spots quickly due to deadlines and full page buyers are always more welcome than their intensive maintenance cousins who buy quarter pages or line ads.

So a typical entrepreneur idea is to leverage that price discrepancy. They find 4 quarter page buyers each week and supply some design service. But here is why the entrepreneur can't lose. He charges his customers only $290 per quarter page. Over $110 cheaper than they can buy it from the paper themselves. If you were an advertiser and wanted some business exposure, who would you buy your advertising from? The paper directly or the entrepreneur at a deep discount?

This type of idea is typical of what the successful entrepreneur looks for in a project. Leverage, passive income, economies of scale and high probability of success and also all at the same time, deliver real value to their customers.

To get rich, here is a better alternative. If you would like to discover a verified list of Million Dollar Corporations offering you their products at 75% commission to you. Click the link below to learn HOW you will begin compounding your capital towards your first Million Dollars at the easy corporate money program. Download the book that is changing lives - FREE "17 Certified Ways To Make Your First Million Dollars"

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Entrepreneur Ideas - For the Beginner

For many, it is a mystery exactly what an entrepreneur does, however most have some fair idea that they are business people. This is only half the truth, entrepreneurs are essentially deal makers and ideas people.

An entrepreneur uncovers existing circumstances which he sews together into a deal. An entrepreneur typically focuses in certain areas of expertise, however they are more interested in the manufacture of money than having any sort of loyalty to any particular business area.

Most successful entrepreneurs have a projects archive. An idea that has some "legs" is typically investigated thoroughly and the results recorded and filed if the individual cannot act on it immediately for any particular reason, or the idea may just prove not to be as viable as first thought.

This type of feasibility study is crucial in any venture. A list of questions is created surrounding the product or service developed for the idea. Actual potential customers are poled for their opinions and their responses meticulously recorded. This type of documentation is crucial for securing private venture capital and is part of the "burden of proof" a successful entrepreneur offers potential financial backers.

With a well defined feasibility study in his/her brief case, an entrepreneur can leverage this document and the project summary by simply sending it off to his lawyer, who will fax it off to various interest groups that may be willing to fund the project. Getting venture capital is one of the most important roles for an entrepreneur as they rarely use their own funds to develop a project because they would be too close to it and their vested interest can muddy the clarity of their decisions.

If you need money now, like I mean in the next 10 minutes, try what I did. I now am making more money than in my old business and you can too. If you want to learn how to invest a few hundred dollars and double it before you go to bed tonight, click now to read a remarkable "Rags to riches" story - Free!

Imagine doubling your money every week with no or little risk! To discover a verified list of Million Dollar Corporations offering you their products at 75% commission to you. Click the link above to learn HOW you will begin compounding your capital towards your first Million Dollars at the Easy Corporate Money Program©

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Thursday, December 25, 2008

Small Business Software

Small business software is a booming industry. Nowadays, every type of business needs to manage its movements and record every action using computer software. Business software is designed to help with the administration and maintenance of a business. Of course, small businesses are no exception to the rule.

Small businesses and corporations can use general purpose software, a custom implementation that meets their specific needs, or a hybrid that combines both elements. The choice of which approach to use depends on the type of business as well as the size of the economic budget that is going to be spent on organization via computer software.

One of the simplest ways for a business to start operating using computer software would be to use the free Open Office suite of applications, which is similar to MS Office. The difference is that Open Office is free while MS Office (Microsoft Office) costs a considerable amount of money for a small business.

Except for the two alternatives just described, a business can choose to hire a developer to "craft" software that meets the corporation's very specific needs. This approach is the most costly one since the development cost of the application is going to be covered only by the corporation who ordered it.

Finally, small businesses can go about using ready-to-use applications as well as a few very specific custom ones that are developed specifically for the exact needs of the corporation. This approach is located somewhere between the first (less expensive) and the second (most expensive) choices.

Business Software provides detailed information on Business Software, Small Business Software, Business Card Software, Business Plan Software and more. Business Software is affiliated with Construction Contract Management Software.

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Business Card Software for Small Business Owners

You're most likely carrying one or a few of these around in your wallet. The person next to you is carrying one, and so are the people in your workplace. When you are meeting potential clients (or perhaps you're the client), the first few minutes may involve exchanging these things around as you all make your introduction. At parties or get-togethers, you may swap one with a new acquaintance. After all, it's a great tool for networking and generating new business. What is "it"? If you're thinking of business cards, you got it right.

If you work for a big company or you own a small business, whether you work for yourself or you have a few people working with you, business cards are a must. Business cards are small, but they can be powerful networking tools that can help generate more business for you. Because of this, it's important that you keep yourself well-stocked with business cards, keeping a few them handy in your wallet so you won't get caught off guard and without it when you meet people who could potentially become a customer or help you in your business. You can have your business cards made to order in the thousands, but you can also create and design your own business cards with the help of business card software.

Business card software has been used by many over the years. In fact, those business card that you ordered from a printing company were actually created using a business card software. In the past, creating a business card was a tedious process that involved printing, registration, mixing colors and drying. That is hardly the case today, thanks to business card software, which has made it easy for anyone to create and print business cards. You don't need to have any fancy equipment in order to create business cards; all that is needed is a business card software installed in a computer, a little creativity and a printer. Office supply stores are now well-stocked with business card paper that's already perforated. They come in a variety of designs and textures too so you can create the business cards that you want.

Business card software is pretty easy and simple to use. It provides step-by-step instructions: from picking the design you want to choosing the font face and size, laying out the elements in your business card and even choosing what kind of paper to print your business cards on. The more expensive business card software programs will even let you design logos and backgrounds. You can find out more information on business software at

If you work for a large company, your company is likely to provide you with your business cards. Instead of using business card software to create business cards, your company may be outsourcing the business cards it provides to its employees. However, if you run your own business, investing on a business card software may prove to be more economical in the long run for you (and your small staff). You can keep yourself and everyone well-stocked with business cards, and you can print them whenever it's needed.

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Thursday, December 18, 2008

How to Outsource Your Small Business Needs

If you are a businessman whether as a regular business man or an internet entrepreneur, then you probably have heard of outsourcing. Nowadays, outsourcing has been one viable option when it comes to some of the tasks or need that your business present.

Generally, to outsource means to rely on another company's product or service for a particular or a series of tasks or supplies needed by your business. As a businessman, assessing the need to outsource or not should be considered with great care. To make entrepreneur profit, you have to weigh the pros and cons of outsourcing.

If your company is handling too many tasks all at once, then outsourcing can be a good idea. As an internet entrepreneur, you need to know when a task needs to be distributed for the company to work more efficiently.

For example, let us say you have a small online grocery shopping & delivery service. If your human resource can only cover delivery within the city, then you can think of expanding the delivery service t another city but using another delivery company. Here are some useful guidelines on how to outsource:

1. To make entrepreneur profit, you have to know if your company will be able to save money and time in outsourcing.
2. Have a list ready for the possible companies you will outsource too. Compare prices and service extent of such companies.
3. Choose an outsourcing company which can meet your company's quality. Never use an outsourced company which may ruin your good name as an internet entrepreneur.

Practically anyone can be an online businessman but the more difficult part is on how you become successful with your chosen field. There are certain facts you need to know in order to become a successful internet entrepreneur. Find more information about internet entrepreneur via

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Successful Entrepreneur Stories - The Secret to Success

I was recently attending a conference with several successful entrepreneurs. The topic was the newest ideas for start up businesses. While there were some interesting ideas batted around in the seminars, it was the conversations I had with these successful businessmen afterwards that I found the most interesting. Their experience was varied but they all had very similar advice to give to those just starting out.

The number one tip mentioned was to love what you do. You must have the drive and passion to build the best business you can if you want a high level of success. It is not enough to simply hope that things will go well. You must be willing to do whatever it takes to prove yourself to your customers, your business associates and even those close to you in life.

Another common tip was having a business plan. Only one of the entrepreneurs I spoke with had ever started a company without a business plan - but it was the only business of his that failed! They couldn't stress this enough - you must know what you're getting into before you get started. Having benchmarks to achieve is a great way to stay motivated and on task and they don't believe they could have been successful without it.

The common theme among all of these successful entrepreneurs was not just their drive or their business sense. Every one of them was confident. You might think that financial success begets confidence but it's actually the opposite. If you don't believe in yourself and your company, why should anyone else?

If you need money now, like I mean in the next hour, try what I did. I am making more money now than in my old business and you can too, read the amazing, true story, in the link below. When I joined I was skeptical for just ten seconds before I realized what this was. I was smiling from ear to ear and you will too.

Imagine doubling your money every week with no or little risk! To discover a verified list of Million Dollar Corporations offering you their products at 75% commission to you. Click the link below to learn HOW you will begin compounding your capital towards your first Million Dollars at the easy corporate money program.

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Saturday, May 10, 2008

How Starting a Business Can Bring Out the Entrepreneur in You

by Nazir Daud

What is entrepreneurialism? Have you ever thought how entrepreneurs get where they are? Did starting up a business ever crossed your mind? If you have an eight-to-five job have you thought of working any hours you wish?

Entrepreneurialism is not only working the hours that you want to work, but usually involves working more! It's also about taking the risk and having the initiative to realize your dreams. It's not an easy way to make money at the start, so don't consider it if you are dreaming of getting out of bed at noon and enjoying cocktails on the yacht. That comes later - much later. It does mean that you don't have to keep the boss happy (unless you are married!).

It could also mean enjoying the things that you love and having the time to enjoy them, but also means passing it all up until you are able to do that. But to top it all, it means earning a higher income in the longer term with a business of your own. It usually takes anywhere between three and five years for a business to start making serious money. If you are luck to breakeven in the first couple of years you are doing well.

Having your own business will definitely give you a lot more freedom to do as you wish in due course... but there is a price to pay. If you do decide to take the plunge into entrepreneurialism and find a gap in the market, you will realise a new world of possibilities.

The things you will be able to do if / when you are successful are usually only dreams of a regular employee, but have you ever thought about making it a reality? Most people will tell you that a business of your own is the key, but how do you go about it?

There is no more job security and it would then be up to you to maintain your family in a good standard of living. However, if you have the spirit of entrepreneurialism in you, then you will be able to provide your family with a much higher standard of living than they have enjoyed to date; and the security of knowing that your fate is in your own hands.

Think about what you are doing now: you are working hard for the company, not really for your family. With the work that you do, who is earning the most? The answer to that question is obvious. Not you! How about setting up a business of your own? This is the day that you can open up your eyes to a different perspective of work, and make the decision to work for yourself.

The first step to becoming an entrepreneur is to make a choice. You decide whether you want to work for yourself or somebody else. You should decide whether you want a better quality of life, not only for you but for your family. In fact, entrepreneurs usually involve their families in the business and it is a great gift to pass on to your children someday.

The second step is learning what kind of business you're going into. What field will you enter? What kind of business fits you? What type of entrepreneur are you? Note down all your strengths, weaknesses, interests, desires, and the hobbies that you like. What is your passion? What interests you the most?

Make sure that it is something that you love. It should be something that you enjoy doing. It should not feel like work! Most successful businesses will relate tales of founders who lived and breathed the business that they started. Most successful entrepreneurs would say that they enjoy their business life as much as they enjoy real life.

In becoming an entrepreneur, the third step involves researching your chosen business, and finding gaps in the market that have not yet been filled or can be handled much more competently. This is the most important part of the entire process: you cannot be an entrepreneur by being a 'me too'. You have to lead the field, and do something new or a lot better.

Without enough research, your new business will only lead to an expensive hobby. Chances are, instead of the business supplying you with a steady income, you will be providing unnecessary expenses for a business that might fail in a very short period of time. Research involves checking out the market and the competition, and deciding that if competition is high, you look elsewhere. A gap in the market is what you should be looking for. Entrepreneurialism is all about finding that gap and taking advantage of it.

You cannot just decide to be an entrepreneur, nor are you born to be one. You must know how to take advantage of an opportunity, and also how to find that opportunity. However, when you do, you must put yourself into it wholeheartedly and stay with it until you own a chunk of that market segment. That is entrepreneurialism.

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Monday, March 3, 2008

A Lesson in Small Business Opportunity - Discover Your Calling Now!

How many times have you, or someone you know, said something like "I've always wanted to have a business of my own. Something I'd really enjoy doing. Be my own boss."

The farther down this page you read, you'll start to feel that there are many people in this world that are either bored or tired of being tied down in an office from morning to evening and doing a routine and cumbersome job. There are yet some more that are always on the look out for extra opportunities to make an additional income that will substantiate their regular incomes.

Due to the lack of awareness of opportunities or being tired of trying out many opportunities that promise to make a quick buck and ending up in not gaining anything has made these people continue their routine jobs without venturing any further. The dissatisfaction among people for not finding the right kind of opportunity has pushed them into further hating what they do and are always looking out for a change. They fear taking up anything new as they would be treading into unknown waters and may even lose out on their regular source of income.

Such people should become aware of the many opportunities that are available to them both in the form of work at home options as well as being out there and being able to make some income for themselves. The greatest advantages of venturing into a small business opportunity is that it can be done both part time or full time and can be done with very minimal or no investment risks from the convenience of their own homes.

There is countless number of small business opportunities for individuals to start off but, not all of them are worth pursuing. Many of them are ones that promise to make a person rich overnight and these are the ones that one should really be wary of. There are various categories of businesses that one can pursue depending on their interests and the time that they have to invest.

Some of the small business opportunities that are available online would include the following:

• Setting up auctions online

• Exporting and importing

• Multi-level marketing (MLM)

• Participating in surveys

• Becoming part of advertising programs

• Becoming an affiliate member in a program, etc

There are many ways to do work on the Internet and earn some money. Whatever the direction in which a person wants to venture, it is important that they do a lot of research before they start off with anything. It is important for them to find out if the money made from the business opportunity will be worth their time or effort. It is also good to get testimonials from others who are working the program.

This, though difficult, is one of the best ways of avoiding getting cheated. One of the best ways to reach out to such people is to enter forums and discussion boards that can get a person in touch with others with the same ideas. Once a person has a general idea about what kind of a small business opportunity they want to embark on, they should go right ahead and take action.

It should be remembered that many programs even though it may appear simple at the onset would require lot of perseverance and putting in the right kind of efforts to make it work for them in the long run. Therefore, remember that whatever the small business opportunity that you get into, nothing comes without putting in the necessary effort and working in the right direction will help bear the necessary fruits and bring success.

There is another option.

Interested in finding out more about the business that will allow you to have both financial freedom and the freedom of TIME? Visit my website from the links below for free information.

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Opportunity Knocks 1000 Times

You've heard people say that opportunity only knocks once. I say it knocks a thousand times, or at least it can. The problem is, we often don't listen, we don't see, or we don't want to work. The biggest problem, though, is that opportunity really isn't opportunity, if you're not ready for it.

A couple I know had a business handed to them for free. The owner didn't want to deal with it anymore, even though it made money. He had other things going on in his life. He couldn't just call it quits, however, because the lease on the building had nine months to go. This is where my friends enter the story. Why did they have a business given to them?

They listened, and let the man tell his story.

They looked at the business, and saw the opportunity.

They worked, doing what it took to benefit from their "good luck."

The owner agreed to give them the business if they would simply take over the lease on the building.

Get Ready For Opportunity

The biggest reason "opportunity knocked" however, includes the others, and goes beyond them: They were ready.

They had a little bit of money to handle the transition, they had previous experience with a small business, and they were willing to learn what they needed to learn.

A friend once said that our mutual acquaintance John was "so lucky" to get a $6,000 car for $2,000 at an auction. I mentioned that John went to the auction regularly, that he had made himself familiar with car values, and that he always kept some money available for such opportunities. It didn't seem to register with my friend.

He could have been "so lucky," too, but he had to be ready. He could have saved $2,000, or obtained a credit card with a high enough limit, or arranged with someone to borrow the money and split the profits when deals like this came up. Not having done any of these things, there was no opportunity here for him.

When you want opportunity to come knocking, aren't there always ways you can prepare? If you want to be lucky in love, you comb your hair, right? If you want opportunities in the stock market, start studying, setting aside money to invest, and exploring the possibilities. Get ready for opportunity, and it will come more often.

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Sunday, March 2, 2008

Finding the Right Business to Start

Do you want to be a successful entrepreneur? You probably have an excellent idea and you're thinking over whether it is doable or not, whether it will bring in revenues, and whether it has the potential to expand into a more profitable business venture. Now that you find yourself with the desire to start your own business, there are still a lot of things you have to consider and think about. First you have to ask yourself if you have what it takes to own and maintain a business. You should know that the world of entrepreneurship is not for everyone. Yes, the opportunities for profit and self-fulfillment are great, but so are the risks involved.

Being an entrepreneur can be a life-changing endeavor, thus, you really have to be prepared for anything that may happen. There are some specific character traits that every entrepreneur must possess or develop. These include perseverance, hard work, independence, self confidence, commitment to quality and success, honesty and many more. If you think you really have what it takes to be an entrepreneur then you are ready to proceed to the next step, and that is to find the type of business you want to establish and own.

Finding the right Entrepreneur Opportunity

As you know by now, there are literally thousands of business opportunities available for the budding entrepreneur. With all these choices, what type of business are you going to pursue? There are actually two approaches to finding the right entrepreneur opportunity for you. There's the traditional approach and the "follow your passion" approach. The traditional approach to finding the right business opportunity involves a systematic and methodical process. It involves careful planning, thorough research of the market, recognizing a need and creating the product or service to fulfill that need.

First, you have to choose the field of business that you are most interested in. Then, you can now embark on researching the ins and outs of that industry and the different businesses that can be found within it. Afterwards, you can do market research to find out if there is an unmet need in the form of products, services, prices, etc. Then you can proceed to analyzing the competition and checking out how their business models work.

You can now start on making your preliminary business plan. Make sure to do market research to see the market potential for your chosen business. Re-evaluate and re-assess your business plan and determine how much capital you are going to need. Then, you can start seeking out investors and lenders who can help you finance your business. The traditional approach to entrepreneur opportunities is obviously labor-intensive and time-consuming, as well as potentially expensive, but careful planning before actually starting the business will also reduce the risk of failure as time goes by.

Another approach in finding the right entrepreneur opportunity is the "follow your passion" philosophy. This approach involves following and doing what you love and the money will start coming in. This can be an excellent way to start your own business but you should understand that many people have also followed and did what they love and still did not succeed well enough. This approach encourages you to find out what type of business you should pursue through self-discovery and observation. Reflect on what you are truly interested in and passionate about and look for ways to make a business out of it. Observe your surroundings to see If there is an unmet need. You can then create a product or service to fulfill that need.

Inspiration is also an important aspect of this approach to identifying an entrepreneur opportunity. Who knows that idea that simply popped into your mind while driving your kids to school may actually be an excellent business idea that can eventually lead to success? Another aspect of this approach is imitation. You can simply find a tried-and-tested business model and copy it in another market. You can also consider getting a franchise. Franchises are already proven business models, and you also get support from the company to help you start out your business.

These two approaches are both effective in helping you find out what entrepreneur opportunity you must pursue. Although these approaches are not failure-proof, they can really help you increase your chances of success in the highly-competitive world of business.

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How Entrepreneurs Optimize Business Opportunities

They say that opportunity only knocks twice. In the business world, however, opportunities do not get the chance to knock before they are shoved through the door.

You see, entrepreneurs take business opportunities very seriously. Serious entrepreneurs do not wait for opportunity to come to them. They study their environment and find the opportunity.

Opportunity counts for so much in the business world. Whenever you encounter an opportunity, you need to grasp it and submit it to your will. Entrepreneurs treat business opportunities differently. Here are some views of entrepreneurs on how to take advantage of business opportunities:

1) Seduction - some entrepreneurs find business opportunities to be like a woman. You need to properly seduce a business opportunity. You see, with one wrong move, a business opportunity can fly out of your grasp.

Thus, you need to study the opportunity. Is she mysterious? If so, what can she be hiding? What can help you pull that opportunity towards you?

Seduction of the business opportunity is a game of balance. You cannot be too eager or the opportunity will get suspicious and pull away. You cannot be too aloof, or the business opportunity will go to other entrepreneurs.

You have to show that you are the proper person to get that opportunity. You have to treat it with the proper respect. After all, you are the entrepreneur who needs that opportunity.

2) Prey - some entrepreneurs think business opportunities are like prey. They enjoy the thrill of hunting for a perfect business opportunity and take them down for the kill. For these entrepreneurs, business opportunities should be watched out for.

These people watch their environment, hoping for any sign of business opportunities. Constant vigilance is their creed, and nothing can stand in the way of their success. By taking this mindset, you gain the instinct of the hunter. You become very competitive in terms of taking business opportunities. Sometimes, this is a good thing, leading you to your success.

There are times, however, when this mindset can lead to your downfall. Hunters often love the thrill of the hunt, but neglect to take care of the opportunity once they have them in their hands. You know that you need to take care of every opportunity in order for it to be of any use to you.

3) A plant - smart entrepreneurs view business opportunities as plants. They plant the seeds of opportunity and nourish it to make it grow into a successful business venture.

This view of business opportunities is probably the best considering the fact that opportunities really do need to be taken care of in order for an entrepreneur to achieve success. Getting the opportunity is just the start of being an entrepreneur. In order to gather the fruits of success, an entrepreneur should be able to not only get the opportunity, but expand it.

4) Luck -Some entrepreneurs see business opportunities as lucky coincidences or even a work of fate. They, of course, keep a lookout for business opportunities. However, they do not actively work to find some.

This Entrepreneur's view of business opportunity is probably the most naïve in today's world of business. As was mentioned earlier, opportunities nowadays have very little chance of falling into someone's lap. By waiting for the business opportunity to come to you, you are probably wasting your time.

What you need to do is get up off that chair and start looking at your environment and make the opportunity for yourself. What are the advantages to this? Well, if you create your own opportunity, then you'll have direct access to it and have intimate knowledge of how to shape it into a great business venture.

Another plus to creating your own business opportunity is that you will be getting a head start. This means that you can forget about the competition taking your opportunity and beating you to the success that you so anticipated.

So how should entrepreneurs view business opportunities? Well, the best thing you can do is take all of the different views and try to balance them into your own view. Remember that different things work for different people. Try not to conform yourself to other entrepreneurs' views of business opportunities. This way, you can be at your most effective.

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Are You Ready For Opportunities?

Were you able to identify some hidden assets in your environment? I am confident that if you spent some time observing and going through the action items from the last article you definitely made some progress and potentially uncovered some "gem" opportunities.

Before we go too much further into understanding and experiencing the world of entrepreneurialism let's make sure we get our arms around one of our favorite words, opportunity?

People have a very hard time understanding the complexities of Love. I would like to conjecture that understanding Opportunity can be equally confusing.

This can be illustrated by trying to answer the following questions:
1. What is Opportunity?
2. How do you know when it is real and genuine?
3. How do you know when and how to take action?
4. What will be the potential outcomes/results of your action or non-action?
5. Where do you seek advice and opinions?
6. Should you let the advice and opinions of others affect your decision?

1. What is opportunity? Opportunity is defined as a good chance for advancement or progress. That's a start, but the next questions should be advancement or progress towards what objective and is their other, better alternative opportunities available?

Knowing what you want and constructing a life plan is the backbone for opportunity. Developing your plan combined with our Balance Matrix (introduction coming soon) will dictate what type of opportunities you will consider to act on, how to decide if the opportunity can take you closer to your goals or further away and to create "buy in" from your family members.

Identifying alternative Options - this is paramount! Once you know what you want and your plan has been created you need to know what all the applicable opportunity options are that can bring you closer to your goals and objectives and ultimately your definition of success. The simplest example I can give you is the following:

1. Your goal is to watch an hour of television and you want to watch something inspiring.
2. Your strategy is to find the TV program by looking at your TV guide.
3. Your Opportunity Options are every channel in your subscription.
4. Your Decision - you have 2 further options

a. Stop and watch the first TV show you come across that fits your criteria.

b. Consider every TV show and its programming content before you decide.

Which option A or B will give you a higher probability of getting what you want?

2. How do you know when it is real and genuine?
This question stops most people from acting on an opportunity. Unfortunately, the "crooks", "scammers" and little value offers are everywhere and running "wild and free" in the information age. This has made this question even more relevant and more difficult to answer. Let's touch on a few key points that will surely help you identify the real from the "red flag" opportunities.

1. Is their web-site professional looking? This certainly is based on opinion and even though it may be professional does not guarantee anything. However, a site that is professional with a lot of content, extra features like video, sound, polls, forums, etc. at least demonstrates the web-site should remain on-line for some period of time.
2. Is there information about the company with contact information? If there is no contact information or phone number it could represent a "red flag". Try contacting them with a question and see if they respond, how long it takes to respond and the quality of their response.
3. Are there testimonials? If so, can you contact the testimonials? If not, ask the company if you can contact some of their testimonials.
4. Do a company search on-line to see if you can find additional information about the company. Just beware of the source of information. In some cases you will have to determine if the source is real and genuine before you consider their opinion or facts.

3. How do you know when and how to take action?
Let's assume the opportunity is real and genuine and you have looked at several different options so far. If you have constructed a well thought out plan using the Balance Matrix this decision becomes relatively easy. Don't believe how easy it can become, keep reading. If you act on this opportunity will it get you closer to your ultimate goals? Will you have to sacrifice any other important elements in your life? If so, how many elements and for how long? Are there any key people in your life your decision will affect? If so, how do they feel about it and have they bought into your plan? If the answers to these questions are favorable your decision becomes much easier.

4. What will be the potential outcomes/results of your action or non-action?
This is where any mindset, awareness and abstract thinking training become very important. Try to project into the future your decisions and actions. How do you see people responding, behaving and interacting with you? If you do not act on this opportunity will you ever have another chance to get involved again?

5. Where do you seek advice and opinions? I highly recommend getting second opinions about large decisions in your life. It costs you nothing, but some time to seek this advice. However, this can potentially lead to poor decision making if you are putting all of your faith into this advice. Why? No one knows what is best for you and your situation more than you do. Do the people you are seeking advice from truly have your best interest in mind? If you ask a non-risk taker about an opportunity with an element of risk, what do you suppose their answer will be? The best answer to this question is to have a circle or group of people you trust, have integrity, are like-minded, have previous experience or knowledge in the realm of the question you are asking.

6. Should you let the advice and opinions of others affect your decision? Depends. If you have a reliable, knowledgeable and trustworthy source I would suggest you take their advice into consideration. If you are in 100% agreement with what more than one reliable source has told you, you should feel good about moving forward in that direction. If you or any reliable source is less than 100% confident about the decision and you have more time to prepare your due diligence and weigh out your options and potential consequences take the time to do so.

The bottom line is to prepare yourself for decision making by creating a plan, setting goals, looking at all the options and opportunities, finding reliable sources, training your mind for decision making and practicing the process on smaller more insignificant decisions. Once you create confidence in yourself, your sources and your ability to make decisions you have increased your chances of success and capitalizing on opportunities immensely. Remember, there is no such thing as an opportunity unless you are prepared to take action.

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Am I Ready To Be An Entrepreneur?

No, we won't begin with "Do you have a master's degree?" Although education does matter, higher education is not a requirement for starting or succeeding in a new entrepreneurship. In fact, according to a 1992 United States Census Bureau report, only 5.3 percent of entrepreneurs have a Master's degree or higher education. 9.4 percent had less than a high school education; some only up to the eighth grade. Oddly enough, only 17 percent had any business education. The founder of Dell Computers was a college dropout. Starting out of his garage, he managed to excel above all of the world's top computer manufacturers. One in three computers sold today is a Dell.

What you will need, is more commonly known as "street smarts" and common sense. In addition, you will need to have certain individual qualities, or personality traits. Most individuals who are successful in entrepreneurship and in "life" possess these traits. Take the quiz and see how many of the following questions you can answer with a confident "yes."

1. Do I have energy, and am I in good health?

2. Am I a self-starter?

3. Do I have a willingness to work hard?

4. Am I a good organizer?

5. Am I able to make decisions?

6. Am I able to make plans and follow through?

7. Am I able to inspire and direct others?

8. Am I honest (and be honest!)?

9. Do I regularly balance my checkbook and avoid debt?

10. Am I a jack of all trades and a master at one???

If you can honestly answer all the above questions with a "yes," you may be the type of individual who is well qualified to operate a successful business. But before you close the deal, be sure you have educated yourself in the field you've chosen. Research and learn the process necessary to start and operate your own entrepreneurship . Read good books relating to your type of business and get the education you need to be successful.

If you're unsure of your response to any of the ten questions listed above, it's possible that if you attempt starting a business, you may fall into the ninety percent of new businesses which fail in their first year. The statistics can be startling, but they are a reality. You may want to re-consider your entrepreneurship idea.

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